Translation center API

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Calls for Volunteers

The API supports getting a list of Calls for volunteers available in the translation center, optionally specifying the message language if available.

Get calls for volunteers

GET /calls-for-volunteers gets a list of public calls for volunteers. To specify the message language, set msg_lang to a language code and if available the summary and description will be returned in that language. If not available the default will be returned.

Example request with Curl:


curl -H "X-Proz-API-Key: $API_KEY" \

Example response:

  "calls": [
      "call_id": 12342,
      "country": "us",
      "date_expires": "2015-03-31",
      "date_posted": "2015-02-14",
      "msg_lang": "eng",
      "description": "Once again, the Philippines is facing a major typhoon. TWB is mounting a Rapid Response Team to be \\u2018on call\\u2019 for immediate short-form translations. Translations are quick and simple. Work is collaborative and virtual. Use of Skype preferred. Initial response is 72 hours, but it may lengthen; we need a team so we can cover needs throughout that period.",
      "summary": "English \u003C-\u003E Tagalog and English or Tagalog \u003C-\u003ECebuano translators urgently needed for Typhoon Hagupit response.",
      "pairs_needed": [
      "volunteer_url": "https:\/\/"
      "call_id": 12312,
      "date_expires": "2015-02-27",
      "date_posted": "2015-02-14",
      "msg_lang": "fra",
      "description": "TWB est \u00e0 la recherche de toute urgence des b\u00e9n\u00e9voles pour aider \u00e0 traduire le mat\u00e9riel de pr\u00e9vention d\\\u0027Ebola de l\\\u0027anglais et du fran\u00e7ais dans autant de langues que possible Afrique de l\\\u0027Ouest. Les mat\u00e9riaux de base comprennent des vid\u00e9os et des dessins anim\u00e9s.",
      "summary": "Anglais ou en fran\u00e7ais wolof ou haoussa traducteurs urgent pour la pr\u00e9vention Ebola",
      "pairs_needed": [
      "volunteer_url": "https:\/\/\/volunteer?call_id=2"

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