List of non-profits

Translators without Borders supplies voluntary or low cost translation services to humanitarian organisations. The following is a list of some of the non-profit organizations served.

Evidence Aid

To inspire and enable those guiding the humanitarian sector to apply an evidence-based approach in their activities and decisions.

Evidence Aid – Practice Guide

Evidence Aid – Practice Guide

Excellent Development

Excellent Development supports some of the world’s poorest
people by helping them to transform their own lives through
soil and water conservation in drylands.

We work with local partners to support rural communities to
build sand dams, which provide clean water for life and the
opportunity to develop their livelihoods. Sand dams free
communities, putting their future firmly in their own hands.

We believe that they will enable millions of the world’s poorest
people to transform their own lives - and it is our intention to enable 1 million sand dams to be built for
0.5 billion people by 2040.


What we do
We want to increase the awareness in the Netherlands, by showing the Dutch public that right under our very noses; people are living in modern slavery. To accomplish this, FairWork informs, activates and influences the public, politics and employers.

We want to show you how to recognise human trafficking. We want to spread our expertise on how to approach and support victims. To accomplish this, FairWork trains and advises relief workers and law enforcement agencies.

We want to expand and improve aid to victims. We want to increase the confidence of the victims and their ability to live independently. To accomplish this, FairWork initiates pilot projects together with other organisations.

First Response Radio

First Response Radio (FRR) is a network of radio broadcasters, NGOs and Government partners. Our members have been working in disaster areas since the Tsunami of 2004, providing critical information via radio, as aid. Our goal is to set up a radio station for the affected community within 72 hours of a disaster. The best way we have discovered to build this capacity is to equip and train teams before disaster strikes.

FRR is an affiliate member of the CDAC Network.

FIZ Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration

FIZ Advocacy and Support for Migrant Women and Victims of Trafficking advocates for the protection and rights of migrant women who are survivors of violence and exploitation. FIZ calls attention to abuses and seeks desperately needed improvements for trafficked women and migrant women who suffer violence. For this purpose, the organization runs two outreach programs: the Counseling Center for Migrant Women and Makasi—Counseling and Support Services for Victims of Trafficking in Women. FIZ also works on educational and policy fronts.


Lutter contre l’exclusion avec une orientation prioritaire vers les enfants, les jeunes, les adultes et les familles en très grande difficulté dans le respect de leur dignité. Le service Migrants propose une prise en charge globale de demandeurs d’asile tout au long de leur demande à travers un accompagnement global : mise à disposition d’un hébergement, soutien dans les démarches administratives et juridiques, accompagnement social et mise en place d’actions d’insertion

Fondazione Terre des hommes Italia ONLUS

To protect the rights of children in developing countries, without racial, religious, political, cultural or gender-based discrimination: this is the mission of Terre des hommes Italy, a non governmental organisation based in Milan and member of the International Terre des hommes Federation.

Fonds Ngangi Asbl

Fonds Ngangi wants young people from Goma, DRC to participate actively in the economy of their city (Goma), region (Nord Kivu), and country (DRC). It supports (i) students through its "scholarship for excellence program" so that they may get a quality job at the end of their studies, and (ii) entrepreneurs through the only academy for entrepreneurship of the city so that they create their business at the end of the formations that gives the academy. Fonds Ngangi believes that stability in Goma, DRC, will only be achieved through the hard work of the educated and dynamic youth of the region.

For Our Children Foundation

We want every vulnerable child in Bulgaria to experience a safe and happy childhood and to look forward to a bright future. Mission: We aim to provide the highest level of support for the babies, children and young people who are at most risk in our communities. We work closely with families, extended families, foster carers and healthcare professionals to ensure that every child has the best chance.